Apply to join the UNH Student Activity Fee Committee as an At-Large Member!
About the Student Activity Fee Committee
The Student Activity Fee Committee (SAFC) is a committee of the Student Senate composed of a diverse set of members from across the Student Body representing different student organizations and constituencies. The Committee is seeking motivated students to serve as at-large members. Learn more about the position and SAFC as a body below.
SAFC is charged with the allocation and oversight of the mandatory Student Activity Fee levied on every full-time student that attends the University of New Hampshire. Using this money, SAFC oversees and disperses more than $1,000,000 to student organizations and operating expenses each year. Undergraduate students interested in or majoring in areas of business, economics, recreation management and policy, political science, statistics, or are curious about how their mandatory fee money is spent are encouraged to join by applying today!

How is SAFC structured, and who sits on it?
SAFC is composed of a wide selection of student organization leaders, members of the Student Senate, professional UNH staff consultants, and undergraduate students (at-large members - YOU).
The central leadership of the Committee is steered by the SAFC Executive Board, which is composed of the SAFC Chairperson, the SAF Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the SAF Organizational Resource Fund (ORF) Director, the SAF Outreach Coordinator, and the Student Senate Speaker. Additionally, two members of University Administration, the Coordinator of Student Organizations and Leadership (SOL) and the SAF Financial Consultant sit as staff advisors to the otherwise student-led board.
The regular student membership of the Committee is composed entirely of voting members, namely, Student Senators and At-Large Members, among others, as well as Business Managers of the Student Activity Fee Organizations (SAFOs) that SAFC governs.

What would I do as an at-large member?
As an at-large member, your primary responsibility is to vote and voice your opinion on proposals and post-programming reports from our student organizations. If you think a proposal is not in the best interest of the student body, you can use your voice and voting power to make changes and/or vote to reject it. Additionally, student organizations value feedback and suggestions to better enhance their programming and serve the student body.
By being an At-Large member of SAFC, you will develop strong debate, leadership, financial, and interpersonal skills - all of which directly transfer to the real, professional world. You will represent the general student body and have an incredible influence on student life at UNH. At-Large membership is a significant first step into other leadership roles in the SAFC Executive Board, Student Senate Leadership, and other student organizations. SAFC is made of students who discuss serious topics, but also have a great time doing it. Tuesday afternoons can’t get any better than this!
The application is simple and consists of a few free-response questions. You will receive a response from the Executive Board and may be asked to attend a meeting for an interview panel. Applications are rolling and will continue to be available until all seven spots are filled. Don't hesitate, apply today! SAFC meets on Tuesdays from 12:40-2pm in the MUB.